Archive for
‘August, 2013’

The Club of Queer Trades: For Labor Day

The Club of Queer Trades In honor of Labor Day, we present some peculiar professions of the past. We can take prostitution, bodysnatching, and murder as read, but what about a professional Ray of Sunshine? A professional suicide? A professional Scandal-monger? A dog’s tailor? A parrot’s linguist? Or (you think you hate YOUR job) a woman who is paid to be fired?

The Featureless Horror, the Skeleton Driver, and a Faceless Hitchhiker

he Featureless Horror, the Skeleton Driver, and a Faceless Hitchhiker A faceless hitchhiker, a featureless creature, and a phantom automobile with a skeletal driver–more sinister road ghosts.

Beaten by a Ghost: A Cleverly Planned Murder and the Vengeance of Heaven

When an Irish magistrate was shot, he clearly saw his attacker: a man named Molony, who had a grudge against him. Despite the positive ID by the victim, Molony provided an unbreakable alibi and, released, went on with his life without a qualm. Until the anniversary of the cleverly planned murder rolled around….

Touching the Corpse: Late Examples of Cruentation

Touching the Corpse: Late Examples of Cruentation It was long believed that a corpse would bleed at its murderer’s touch. The idea survived for a surprisingly long time in the 19th century. Here are some gruesome examples.

Corpse Contracts: People who Sold Their Own Dead Bodies

Corpse Contracts: People who Sold Their Own Dead Bodies It is a sinister fact that, before the passage of the various Anatomy Acts, the doctors of the past paid for stolen corpses for their dissecting rooms. What is less well-known is that various individuals in what might be termed the “pre-corpse stage” might sell their own bodies to the anatomists.

Current Events: Electric Ladies: Interesting People #6

Current Events: Electric Ladies: Interesting People #6 An illuminating look at three 19th-century Electric Ladies, two of whom do not fit the usual profile of PK experiencer.

A Table Tipped by the Messiah Himself: The Geneva Enthusiasts

A Table Tipped by the Messiah Himself: The Geneva Enthusiasts What made a group of intelligent, religious, and wealthy people turn their destiny over to a table-tipping charlatan? Daniel Dunglas Home calls the kettle black.

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