Mourning Customs and History

The Woman in Black – Victorian Mourning as Criminal Disguise

The Woman in Black – Victorian Mourning as Criminal Disguise A look at the rogues’ gallery of crimes committed in the United States from about 1860 to 1929 under the cover of crape by The Women in Black.

Charles Dickens is Summoned to an Inquest

Charles Dickens is Summoned to an Inquest Charles Dickens gives us an insider’s “slice-of-death” look at a Victorian coroner’s inquest on a dead infant.

Like a Mournful Gust of Wind

Like a Mournful Gust of Wind Watchers over the corpse of a young woman are haunted by a mysterious moaning noise.

Hung by a Corpse – Occupational Hazards for the Resurrectionist

Hung by a Corpse – Occupational Hazards for the Resurrectionist Life for the body-snatcher was nasty and brutish–and may have been gravely shortened by the job.

“They wrapp’d his corpse in the tarry-sheet:” Burials at Sea

“They wrapp’d his corpse in the tarry-sheet:” Burials at Sea In this excerpt from The Lost Story of the William & Mary: The Cowardice of Captain Stinson, guest author Gill Hoffs shares sad and evocative stories of burial at sea.

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