Costume History

Eating Holy Clay

Eating Holy Clay A disturbing ritual from Ireland where clay from graves is eaten to protect against disease and sin. Unfortunately more was ingested than just clay.

Kiss the Corpse and Then You Die

Kiss the Corpse and Then You Die The custom of kissing the corpse often led to death from infectious disease.

Transparent Fiction – The Myth of the Victorian Tear Bottle

Transparent Fiction – The Myth of the Victorian Tear Bottle In which textual sources are used to put the stopper in the tear-bottle myth.

The Woman in Black – Victorian Mourning as Criminal Disguise

The Woman in Black – Victorian Mourning as Criminal Disguise A look at the rogues’ gallery of crimes committed in the United States from about 1860 to 1929 under the cover of crape by The Women in Black.

Charles Dickens is Summoned to an Inquest

Charles Dickens is Summoned to an Inquest Charles Dickens gives us an insider’s “slice-of-death” look at a Victorian coroner’s inquest on a dead infant.

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