Death and the Write-in Ballot

Death and the Write-in ballot

Death and the Write-in ballot

If you haven’t already, get out and vote!

And don’t be this guy:

An Election Suicide

Guide Rock, Neb., Nov. 7 G__ R. B__, a banker at this place, suicided to-day by shooting himself through the heart. The immediate cause is supposed to be despondency over the result of the recent election. The Salt Lake [UT] Tribune 8 November 1890: p. 1



Chris Woodyard is the author of The Victorian Book of the Dead, The Ghost Wore Black, The Headless Horror, The Face in the Window, and the 7-volume Haunted Ohio series. She is also the chronicler of the adventures of that amiable murderess Mrs Daffodil in A Spot of Bother: Four Macabre Tales. The books are available in paperback and for Kindle. Indexes and fact sheets for all of these books may be found by searching Join her on FB at Haunted Ohio by Chris Woodyard or The Victorian Book of the Dead.


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