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Predicting Lincoln’s Death by Horoscope, Trance, and Manual Alphabet

Predicting Lincoln’s Death by Horoscope, Trance, and Manual Alphabet The story of Lincoln’s dream about his assassination is well-known in the paranormal literature. Today we look at some lesser-known omens of Lincoln’s assassination as predicted by a Spiritualist medium, a Boston astrologer, and a little girl.

“Ship sinking; all hands lost.” Titanic Premonitions and Postmonitions

“Ship sinking; all hands lost.” Titanic Premonitions and Postmonitions Today we dip into the Spiritualist literature to bring to the surface some ominous portents that predicted or heralded the wreck of the RMS Titanic.

The Man in the Hide: Western Island Oracles

The Man in the Hide: Western Island Oracles Today we look at some oracular methods from the Hebrides featuring mysterious creatures and a terrifying night ritual. Cows, cats, and little creatures from the sea.

Sad Stories of the Death of Kings

Sad Stories of the Death of Kings Telling sad stories of the death of kings on this anniversary of the execution of King Charles I of England with three tales of portents of his sad end.

The Sun King’s Death in a Glass of Water

The Sun King’s Death in a Glass of Water A group of aristocrats play a dangerous game bordering on treason in 18th-century France: asking a scryer to envision the circumstances of the Sun King’s death in a glass of water. And the Duc d’Orleans got more than he bargained for when he asked to have his own future revealed.

The Battle of Gettysburg Foretold by a Clairvoyant and a Quakeress

The Battle of Gettysburg Foretold by a Clairvoyant and a Quakeress June 30, 1863, a clairvoyant medium in Brooklyn told a reporter for a New York newspaper that the Battle of Gettysburg would begin the next day. Her other statements about the Battle proved correct. All were written out, but the reporter’s newspaper refused to publish the prophecies. And in 1832 a Quaker clairvoyant saw bloodshed in the hills of Gettysburg.

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