Cholera Curiosities Fortean curiosities of cholera including blue fog, sulfurous stenches, vanishing birds. and Women in Black.
The Rolling Shot Ghost A strange spherical visitant makes a metallic noise like shot bumping down stairs and rolls around a military encampment.
The Burbank Bat Light A fiery spook light with bat wings is seen near Burbank and San Fernando.
The Vapor-man of Brown’s Woods A strange column of vapor shaped like a colossal man startles two witnesses in Brown’s Wood, Maryland.
Past Praying For – Something Sinister in an Irish Field Sinister encounters with bizarre and fiery animals in an Irish field.
The Figure in the Flame A flame in a man’s room turns into a little old man who promises to lead him to treasure.
The Laughing Jack-o’-Lantern A hopping jack-o-lantern terrifies a young man, and adds insult to injury by laughing at him.
A Woman Wailing in Zululand Mysterious lights and wailings lead to a gruesome discovery.
A Pillar of Fire by Night A mysterious fiery phenomenon in the desert between Suez and Cairo as described by an English traveller
Fluff Sees a Phantom Mr Llewellyn’s cat, Fluff, sees a menacing phantom “Thing” baffling his master.