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The Psychic Howler – Vintage Ghost-hunting Tools

The Psychic Howler – Vintage Ghost-hunting Tools Vintage ghost-hunting tools including the psychic howler or ululometer to detect spirits and spirit energy.

An Overwhelming Odour of Corruption

An Overwhelming Odour of Corruption was the main feature of the haunting of “Holly Cottage” The stench of corruption, flabby hands, spitting in the dark, and the sound of a coffin being moved. No wonder the rent was so low.

Spook Wants a Coroner

Spook Wants a Coroner A young lady ghost (?) asks to give an ante-mortem statement about the cause of her death. Was she a spook or an insane woman?

The Psychic Howler: Vintage Ghost-Hunting Tools

The Psychic Howler: Vintage Ghost-Hunting Tools In honor of National Ghost Hunting Day, a look back at some of the tools of psychic researchers of the past.

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