The Unhappy Afterlife of Archduke Franz Ferdinand The tormented post-mortem world of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, whose murder precipitated the Great War.
A mysterious map of the battlegrounds of Europe appears on a sooty ceiling in a Texas house in 1919. The face of a man and a coiled serpent also materialized. What did it all mean?
In honor of the 150th birthday anniversary for Welsh horror and fantasy author Arthur Machen, we look at a 1915 article discussing the evidence for the Angels of Mons visions. Machen’s story, “The Bowmen,” may have inadvertently helped to create this legend of the Great War. Despite Machen’s protests that the story was fictional, the stories of angels on the battlefield took on a life of their own and became hoplessly tangled in false memories, hoaxes, and a twisted kind of ostension.