Crystal-Seers in Lancashire Lancashire folk gazed into glass eggs and crystals to spy on their friends and scry the future.
Posted by
Chris Woodyard
March 28, 2017
in Folklore , Fortean Mysteries , News , Occultism/Magic , Prophecies , Psychic Research , Social History , Spiritualism , Victorian , Witches , Wonders and Curiosities
and tagged clairvoyance , crystal ball , crystal gazing , crystal-seeing , Crystal-seeing in Lancashire , Crystal-Seers in Lancashire , glass eggs , Lancashire , Lancashire witches , psychic powers , scrying , Spiritualism
The Cabinet of Curiosities at Manchester College The eccentric Wonders found in Manchester College’s Cabinet of Curiosities, as narrated by a schoolboy guide c. 1863
Posted by
Chris Woodyard
February 21, 2015
in Cryptozoology , Ephemera , Folklore , medical oddities , News , Scientific Oddities , Social History , Wonders and Curiosities
and tagged cabinet of curiosities , Humphrey Chetham , Lancashire , Manchester College , The Cabinet of Curiosities at Manchester College , wonders and curiosities , wunderkammer