The Death of the Queen of Bohemia Writer Zoe Anderson Norris, the Queen of Bohemia, is warned by the ghost of her mother that she is next to follow her in death.
Predicting Lincoln’s Death by Horoscope, Trance, and Manual Alphabet Lincoln’s death predicted by a variety of seers including an astrologer who cast a horoscope, a trance medium, and a student using the manual alphabet
Recovering a Corpse at Gettysburg: A Marvellous Dream A strange incident after a man recovers his brother’s corpse from a temporary grave at Gettysburg.
The Stiff of Dreams Dreams revealing the location of dead bodies–was that the only way the dead could communicate and make sure their corpses were found?
Predicting Lincoln’s Death by Horoscope, Trance, and Manual Alphabet The story of Lincoln’s dream about his assassination is well-known in the paranormal literature. Today we look at some lesser-known omens of Lincoln’s assassination as predicted by a Spiritualist medium, a Boston astrologer, and a little girl.