#1098 Dayton Ghosts

Karen Laven, 2009, photos, biblio (websites only), index, 192 pp, Trade PB $14.99

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Many of these stories deal with the adventures of the Dayton Ghost Hunters Society. Some of the sites covered: The USAF Museum at Wright-Patterson AFB, which the author calls (incorrectly) “The Wright-Patterson Air Force Museum” Stivers Middle School and its haunted swimming pool. Blair Hall at Sinclair Community College, Amber Rose Restaurant, The Old Courthouse. The Magma Mansion. Witch’s Tower, Patterson Homestead. A haunted Arby’s in Miamisburg. Woodland Cemetery and the ghost of Johnny Morehouse and his dog, perhaps inspired by the boy’s touching monument. Unfortunately the book has not been well-proofed, which is distracting. It was also disconcerting to read a caption about “the infamous” Wright brothers.