
The Death of the Queen of Bohemia

The Death of the Queen of Bohemia Writer Zoe Anderson Norris, the Queen of Bohemia, is warned by the ghost of her mother that she is next to follow her in death.

Tick-Tock – A Medium Clock

Tick-Tock – A Medium Clock A mediumistic clock communicated accurate information by ticks and tocks.

Wizard Richardson

Wizard Richardson “Wizard Richardson,” as Dr Elisha Richardson was called, a healer and perhaps “cunning man” of New Hampshire, locates the body of a missing man.

Dead as a Doornail – The Carpenter of Doom

Dead as a Doornail -The Carpenter of Doom Over the space of a lifetime, a man was haunted by recurring visits from a mysterious carpenter, whose presence meant death.

A Charm from Cheltenham

A Charm from Cheltenham A charm from Cheltenham is given to a young RAF flier who immediately recovers his lost nerve and, despite many crashes, lives a charmed life

The Spectral Well of Virginia

The Spectral Well of Virginia It began playfully, with a fortune-telling game: hold a mirror over a well and you will see the face of your future husband. But the young woman on her father’s Virginia plantation never dreamed of the ghostly sights and strange visions that would arise from those waters

Haunted by a Death-bed Promise

Haunted by a Death-bed Promise Some spouses asked for death-bed promises that their husband or wife would not remarry. And some returned from beyond the grave to enforce that promise.

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