
A Cabinet of Cursed Curiosities

A Cabinet of Cursed Curiosities A Cabinet of Cursed Curiosities such as Archduke Franz Ferdinand’s death-car, a deadly opal ring, and a drunkard’s chair.

The Image on the Retina

The Image on the Retina A fictional treatment of the theory of optography in which a young man photographs an image on the retina of his murdered sweetheart, which leads him to the killer.

Wizard Richardson

Wizard Richardson “Wizard Richardson,” as Dr Elisha Richardson was called, a healer and perhaps “cunning man” of New Hampshire, locates the body of a missing man.

Old Jokes’ Home

Old Jokes’ Home Celebrating Tell an Old Joke Day with Victorian gallows humor, cholera jokes, puns, and heartlessness.

Playing a Spirit

Playing a Spirit A girl who played a spirit for a famous Spiritualist medium tells All.

Predicting Lincoln’s Death by Horoscope, Trance, and Manual Alphabet

Predicting Lincoln’s Death by Horoscope, Trance, and Manual Alphabet Lincoln’s death predicted by a variety of seers including an astrologer who cast a horoscope, a trance medium, and a student using the manual alphabet

Spook Wants a Coroner

Spook Wants a Coroner A young lady ghost (?) asks to give an ante-mortem statement about the cause of her death. Was she a spook or an insane woman?

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