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Predicting Lincoln’s Death by Horoscope, Trance, and Manual Alphabet

Predicting Lincoln’s Death by Horoscope, Trance, and Manual Alphabet Lincoln’s death predicted by a variety of seers including an astrologer who cast a horoscope, a trance medium, and a student using the manual alphabet

The Druggist and the Dagger

The druggist and the dagger. A horrific story of burial alive from Greece this week, inspires a post on a New Jersey dentist’s solution for his fear of premature interment.

Miss Tardo’s Poisonous Profession

A game of snakes & adders. She was billed as the Strangest Woman in the World for her immunity to snake venom and other poisons and her inability to feel pain.

Predicting Lincoln’s Death by Horoscope, Trance, and Manual Alphabet

Predicting Lincoln’s Death by Horoscope, Trance, and Manual Alphabet The story of Lincoln’s dream about his assassination is well-known in the paranormal literature. Today we look at some lesser-known omens of Lincoln’s assassination as predicted by a Spiritualist medium, a Boston astrologer, and a little girl.