A Flap of Angels – More Seraphic Sightings A flap over angels sightings in heaven and on earth.
Falling Angel Witnesses saw an angel fluttering to the ground and shot at it.
Orange You Scared? The color orange as a rare paranormal color, usually found only in spook lights.
The Pirate-Wrecker and the Death Ship An ex-pirate turned wrecker is summoned by a dark death ship.
Death by Eclipse and Other Coronal Curiosities Strange deaths, insanity, and portents associated with the eclipse.
Cholera Curiosities Fortean curiosities of cholera including blue fog, sulfurous stenches, vanishing birds. and Women in Black.
The Burbank Bat Light A fiery spook light with bat wings is seen near Burbank and San Fernando.
Lord of the Fliers Three stories of medieval flight aided by the Devil
In the Grip of la Grippe A few posts from the past.
Broad Stripes and Bright Stars The American flag is not an easy subject for simulacra, yet it has frequently been seen flying as a vision in the sky.