Psychic Research

Taking Pen in Hand

Taking Pen in Hand

The Hairwork Bracelet

The Hairwork Bracelet A hairwork bracelet is materialized from the spirit world at Christmas.

Ghosts Counting Oranges

Ghosts Counting Oranges In 1908 The Metropolitan Psychical Society offered $5,000 to any medium who could get the ghosts to count the oranges spilled behind him.

Tick-Tock – A Medium Clock

Tick-Tock – A Medium Clock A mediumistic clock communicated accurate information by ticks and tocks.

The Psychic Howler – Vintage Ghost-hunting Tools

The Psychic Howler – Vintage Ghost-hunting Tools Vintage ghost-hunting tools including the psychic howler or ululometer to detect spirits and spirit energy.

An Overwhelming Odour of Corruption

An Overwhelming Odour of Corruption was the main feature of the haunting of “Holly Cottage” The stench of corruption, flabby hands, spitting in the dark, and the sound of a coffin being moved. No wonder the rent was so low.

Playing a Spirit

Playing a Spirit A girl who played a spirit for a famous Spiritualist medium tells All.

The Spectral Well of Virginia

The Spectral Well of Virginia It began playfully, with a fortune-telling game: hold a mirror over a well and you will see the face of your future husband. But the young woman on her father’s Virginia plantation never dreamed of the ghostly sights and strange visions that would arise from those waters

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