Posts tagged
‘death omens’

The Death of the Queen of Bohemia

The Death of the Queen of Bohemia Writer Zoe Anderson Norris, the Queen of Bohemia, is warned by the ghost of her mother that she is next to follow her in death.

Tick-Tock – A Medium Clock

Tick-Tock – A Medium Clock A mediumistic clock communicated accurate information by ticks and tocks.

Dead as a Doornail – The Carpenter of Doom

Dead as a Doornail -The Carpenter of Doom Over the space of a lifetime, a man was haunted by recurring visits from a mysterious carpenter, whose presence meant death.

Phantom Coaches at the Door

Phantom Coaches at the Door Phantom coaches pull up to the door, bringing death or mystery.

Cholera Curiosities

Cholera Curiosities Fortean curiosities of cholera including blue fog, sulfurous stenches, vanishing birds. and Women in Black.

Fearing the Walking Dead, The Undertaker’s Revenge, and the Lost Art of the Coffin Threat

Fearing the Walking Dead, The Undertaker’s Revenge, and the Lost Art of the Coffin Threat A compendium of popular posts.

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