Psychic Research

Racing Tips from the Astral Plane

Racing Tips from the Astral Plane The author describes the racing tips he received from the Astral Plane via luminous letters and images.

Predicting Lincoln’s Death by Horoscope, Trance, and Manual Alphabet

Predicting Lincoln’s Death by Horoscope, Trance, and Manual Alphabet Lincoln’s death predicted by a variety of seers including an astrologer who cast a horoscope, a trance medium, and a student using the manual alphabet

Midnight Grange and Bogey Park – Haunted Houses To Let

Midnight Grange and Bogey Park – Haunted Houses To Let A report on haunted houses available from the estate agents of the Society for Psychical Research.

Mr. Henderson Teleports

Mr. Henderson Teleports Mr. Alexander Henderson, photographer, teleports at a séance with the famous levitating Mrs. Guppy.

The Gobblers’ll Git You, If You Don’t Watch Out!

The Gobblers’ll Git You, If You Don’t Watch Out! Ghostly gobblers who tap at your windows and gobble in the garret…

Shades of Blue

Shades of Blue Blue ghosts from Ohio and beyond.

National Ghost Hunting Day

National Ghost Hunting Day Celebrating National Ghost Hunting Day with profiles of famous ghost hunters and stories of spook seekers, amateur or professional.

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