Yes, We Have No Tarantulas
Yes, We Have No Tarantulas Tracking down the first instances of a tarantula in a bunch of bananas in the United States.
Yes, We Have No Tarantulas Tracking down the first instances of a tarantula in a bunch of bananas in the United States.
A game of snakes & adders. She was billed as the Strangest Woman in the World for her immunity to snake venom and other poisons and her inability to feel pain.
A Woman-Eating Serpent: Hissssteria over Snakes Most vintage snake stories tend to be all of a muchness: the horrid things slither, they are very large, they are aggressive, they are very poisonous, and they escape from circuses and terrorize neighborhoods while hunting parties are gotten up. But a few, whether Snaix fiction or Snaix fact, stick with us like an antlered deer sticks in the craw of an overambitious python.
Mystery Reptiles: Mysterious Beasts, Part 5 As we come to the end of the Mysteries Beasts series, we look at mystery reptiles, a field rife with hoaxes and thrilling tales.
Tomorrow marks the beginning of the Chinese Year of the Snake. I was born in a Snake Year, so I feel like starting the year off right with a post on some strange snake stories—or “snaix” as the papers jocularly referred to the monstrous snake stories that were printed in such profusion in the 19th century papers that some publishers joked that they needed a “snake editor.” Since I would be spoiled for choice in trying to select the crème of the giant snake stories, let us concentrate instead on stories of reptiles remarkable for something other than their size.