Posts tagged
‘First World War’

A Casket 300 Feet Long

A Casket 300 Feet Long A casket 300 feet long would be required to bring back the remains of all the US soldiers who died in the Great War in France.

A Charm from Cheltenham

A Charm from Cheltenham A charm from Cheltenham is given to a young RAF flier who immediately recovers his lost nerve and, despite many crashes, lives a charmed life

Joan of Arc Returns

Joan of Arc Returns And she’s brought her friends…. Children in a small French village see visions of Joan of Arc and the Virgin Mary.

A Ghost of the Gallipoli Campaign

A Ghost of the Gallipoli Campaign A dying man during the Gallipoli Campaign sees the apparition of his sister. Oddly enough, so does a war correspondent.

The Worst Soldier in the British Army

The Worst Soldier in the British Army Tommy Brown, the worst soldier in the British Army, saves his comrades in an extraordinary and coincidental way.

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