Posts tagged
‘Valentine’s Day’

Weekend Compendium: 13 January 2016 Valentine Edition

Weekend Compendium: 13 January 2016 Valentine Edition Featuring an 18th century “Missed Connection” ad, 19th century hints for photographic sitters. The Angel of Lourdes, monkey ghosts, Valentines for Undertakers and Spiritualist Mediums.

Poisonous Kisses: A Valentine’s Day PSA

Poisonous Kisses: A Valentine’s Day PSA Doctors want you to know about the perils of poisonous kisses: “In many instances of the customary kissing, there is a great vicious bloodhound lying hidden, ready to strike his poisonous fangs into the very flesh and bone of the unsuspecting individual…”

For Valentine’s Day: Vintage Advice on Choosing a Spouse

For Valentine’s Day: Vintage Advice on Choosing a Spouse Before popping the matrimonial question this Valentine’s Day, consider some vintage advice on choosing a spouse.