Cats of Many Colors Fighting cats in many colors are seen after a witch dies and interpreted as her evil spirits.
Posted by
Chris Woodyard
October 7, 2017
in Animal Tales , Death , Fairies and Elemental Spirits , Folklore , Fortean Mysteries , Grim and Grewsome , News , Victorian , Witches
and tagged bewitched cow , Cats of Many Colors , cow witching , freets , Hebrides Islands , Island of Islay , Loch Indall , phantom cats , Scottish folklore , Scottish supernatural , witch's funeral , witches
Painting in the Dark with Raphael Painting in the dark was only part of the artistic talents of Mr. Abel Taylor, psychic artist, who worked under the influence of the painter Raphael.
Posted by
Chris Woodyard
June 6, 2017
in Ephemera , Fairies and Elemental Spirits , Folklore , Fortean Mysteries , Interesting People , medical oddities , News , Psychic Research , Victorian , Wonders and Curiosities
and tagged Abel Taylor , automatic painting , fairies , Good Neighbors , Good People , healing , miracles , Painting in the Dark with Raphael , psychic artist , Raphael , Scottish folklore