Posts tagged
‘blood drinking’

The Vampire Long: A New York Horror

The Vampire Long: A New York Horror The draught of blood seemed to intoxicate him. He swelled with it. It flashed red and fiery out of his eyes. It crimsoned his ghastly face. It thickened his thin fingers and made his arm round and easy. The monster grew less hideous and more devilish with every drop.

Blood Drinking and Entrail Baths: Slaughterhouse Cures

A grim and grewsome look at people who drink blood and plunge their children into entrail baths–all in the name of health. Comes with a doctor’s warning: “the appetite for blood becomes even stronger than that for liquor, and cases have been known where it has produced mania of the most violent type.” You have been warned.

For the Blood is the Life or The Feast of Blood

While a contemporary vogue for vampire fantasy has inspired some people to identify themselves as vampires and to actually drink blood, there has always been a curious belief in the efficacy of blood-drinking, not as a lifestyle, but for medicinal purposes only.