Posts tagged
‘the devil’

Here, Mr Hotfoot

Here, Mr Hotfoot The Devil is hotfooting it around the Black Country, searing footprints into the soil.

The Devil and the Cave of Gold

The Devil and the Cave of Gold After lingering too long in the crypts of research for The Victorian Book of the Dead, it is time for a Ripping Yarn. Settle into your fireside armchair, refresh your glass of whiskey, and light your pipe while I gaze into the fire meditatively and share the thrilling tale of “The Devil and the Cave of Gold.”

The Devil Went Down to Craigslist

The Devil Went Down to Craigslist Some people find the idea of sex with the Devil a turn-on. Sadly for her husband, Mrs Andrew Blaes was not one of them.

Conan Doyle and Demons: A 1922 Debate

The notion that ghosts are demons is not a new one. Here a noted spiritual leader, Wilbur Glenn Voliva and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, go head-to-head about the nature of ghosts, demons, and Spiritualism.