
Weekend Compendium: 20 February 2016

Weekend Compendium: 20 February 2016 brings you the week’s posts: the Witch of Leadville, eye-lash history, the ghost of a living woman, a discontented and destructive daemon, as well as creepy crawlies in hair and jungle.

The Death-Curse of the Great Hunter

The Death Curse of the Great Hunter. A hunter with a mania for slaughtering wild animals is marked for a terrible revenge.

Professor Muenter’s Metaphysical Murder

Professor Muenter’s Metaphysical Murder In the wake of talk about German occultists after the head of F.W. Murnau was stolen from his tomb, today we examine another Interesting Person, the learned Professor Erich Muenter, polyglot, German instructor at Harvard University, metaphysician, mad bomber, and murderer.

The Spirit Stalker of Emma Hardinge Britten

Spiritualist Emma Hardinge Britten tells of a terrifying phantom stalker who could apparently project himself through time and space.

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