Archive for
‘April, 2014’

“Attend, ye braves!” Shakespeare Speaks from the Beyond

“Attend, ye braves!” Shakespeare Speaks from the Beyond If you have tears, prepare to shed them now…Today we look at some of the post-mortem communications purporting to come from Shakespeare. Hard on the heels of 19th-century “Bardolotry” came the Spiritualists, who couldn’t leave his bones undisturbed, but summoned the departed Bard from the vasty deeps to channel wit, wisdom, poetry, plays and unmitigated blather.

Polt or Possessed on Prince Edward Island?

Polt or Possessed on Prince Edward Island?A young Canadian girl is followed by mysterious rappings and fires. No, it’s not Mary Ellen of Antigonish–the case occurs a decade earlier and her family swore they saw her levitate.

The Spirits Giveth and the Spirits Taketh Away

The Spirits Giveth and the Spirits Taketh Away I’ve previously written about an apparent religious materialization of cash in “The Bridgnorth Shilling.” Here is a similar, if rather less ethereal story about apporting money from Dr. Silas J. Chesebrough, New York State Spiritualist enthusiast, featuring his protégé, young Joe Caffrey

Predicting Lincoln’s Death by Horoscope, Trance, and Manual Alphabet

Predicting Lincoln’s Death by Horoscope, Trance, and Manual Alphabet The story of Lincoln’s dream about his assassination is well-known in the paranormal literature. Today we look at some lesser-known omens of Lincoln’s assassination as predicted by a Spiritualist medium, a Boston astrologer, and a little girl.

“Ship sinking; all hands lost.” Titanic Premonitions and Postmonitions

“Ship sinking; all hands lost.” Titanic Premonitions and Postmonitions Today we dip into the Spiritualist literature to bring to the surface some ominous portents that predicted or heralded the wreck of the RMS Titanic.

Drawing the Dead: How to Make Spirit-Paintings

Drawing the Dead: How to Make Spirit-Paintings Six methods proposed as explanations for spirit paintings, which were found, freshly painted by spirits, in the seance room.

The Man in the Hide: Western Island Oracles

The Man in the Hide: Western Island Oracles Today we look at some oracular methods from the Hebrides featuring mysterious creatures and a terrifying night ritual. Cows, cats, and little creatures from the sea.

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